A Tissue of Lies

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Published by: Nemo Writes, LLC
Release Date: April 13, 2024
Pages: 258
ISBN13: 979-8869318114



At a time when political leaders were brazenly assassinated, inalienable civil rights had to be guaranteed by legislation, race riots disfigured the American landscape, and a controversial war shaped social consciousness, the blue collar Kovacs family struggled to achieve the American Dream. In 1966, fifteen-year-old Eddie, the neglected middle child, harbored a dream that strained the family’s limited resources and sparked a contentious relationship with Dad. Danny, the eldest son, dreamt of becoming a professional baseball player, a dream Dad vowed to make come true at any cost. Mom wanted to escape her hand-to-mouth existence and was not above extortion to achieve her goal. When Danny received his draft notice, everyone’s dreams evaporated like ice cubes in the Nevada desert. During that fateful summer, Eddie, with the help of his rebellious friend, Marcy, discovered Danny’s explosive secret, unraveled Mom’s buried lies, and uncovered Dad’s deceitful tactics to rescue Danny’s career. If Eddie sacrifices his own dream to save Danny's life, will it destroy the family?


The Eddie Kovacs origin story and the prequel to The Two Lives of Eddie Kovacs.

 “With echoes of John Fante, A Tissue of Lies grips the reader in the slow unraveling of an unhappy family’s conflicted loves and squandered hopes. Fifteen-year-old Eddie Kovacs is an endearing and unlikely anti-hero, flailing against an angry father’s contempt while fighting for his own and his brother’s futures. A captivating coming-of-age tale equal parts harrowing and fearless.” The BookLife Prize

An engrossing story of a kid deciphering the fine line between right and wrong. Eddie is a complex anti-hero: not as holy as he thinks, but capable of deep feeling, rendered in lyrical prose. Readers will root for his crooked search for a compromised goodness."

-Kirkus Indie Reviews

A Tissue of Lies is a compelling work with a fantastic narrative power and style … The book is a poignant coming-of-age tale that captures the essence of a generation marked by rebellion, sacrifice, and the pursuit of identity … Nemeth’s storytelling prowess brings a period in history to life through a rich tapestry of characters and events, leaving a lasting impact on the reader …”

K. C. Finn for Reader’s Favorites

 “A Tissue of Lies is a brilliant work that skillfully combines historical story with human development… Nemeth is a master at developing characters, especially his flawed but likable protagonist, Eddie. His writing style is lyrical, which fits the thoughtful and emotional tone of the book.” Historium Press
